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Gen Z

Antistress Revolution

Catch the Wave

The Revolution of a young generation to
create a thing called Antistress

The Antistress Revolution App

Antistress Coaching Method

The Antistress Coaching Method generates a shift from your stress response to your antistress response.

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Each Step Explained

Each Step Explained videos unlock your understanding of the whole method so that antistress makes perfect sense.

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Chat Groups

Chat with other people who understand you because they react to stress like you do.

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Bronwen Pierson

Antistress Coach

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  • Founder of the Revolution & App Creator
  • Recovering Attorney
  • Former Stress Addict
  • Turned Health & Life Coach
  • Crazy adoring mom of 2 Gen Zs
  • Passionate about helping a young generation thrive

Are you trying to cope with too much stress?

We can't promise that you won't encounter challenges, adversity and obstacles in your life. What we can promise is that you'll handle them with a lot less stress and experience much better outcomes! Sound like a good plan?

A big thanks
to our Gen Z contributors!

Laura Segarra

Laura Segarra

Founding Intern Summer and Fall 2021

Cristina Sapienza

Cristina Sapienza

Founding Intern Summer and Fall 2021

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Are you stressed? Then download the Antistress Revolution app that coaches you on how to break free from your stress.
Stress Less, Live Better!

Download the app

Join the Revolution on social media #genZunite